What Is Smart Building Technology? | Expert Insights

Smart building technology consists of smart sensors and software programs that collect data and synthesize it into actionable insights. Ultimately, IoT systems help building managers optimize energy consumption, perform preemptive maintenance, and save big on overhead costs.


Some hear terms like sustainable building concepts, IoT, and smart tech and write them off as buzzwords. It's understandable. Many fads come and go in the tech world, and discerning if new tools are gimmicks or transformative solutions is challenging. 

If you're a facility manager or building owner, you're likely considering smart building technology right now. But you have questions and concerns to address before you place one nickel down.

Smart tech comes with many benefits. Below, we'll explain precisely how smart systems cut energy costs, improve security, and reduce the daily hassle of building management. 

How Smart Building Technology Works

Due to rapid developments in technology, regulations, and climate change, the definition of smart building technology is constantly changing. But at its core, smart building systems provide managers with critical insights that optimize and automate facilities via hardware sensors, algorithms, AI, and software programs. 

These tools track key systems critical to building maintenance and management, including:

  • Indoor air quality 

  • Utility usage

  • Mold and mildew detection

  • HVAC maintenance

  • Security cameras 

  • Lighting control

Integration of IoT Devices and Sensors

IoT devices and sensors are the first pillar of smart building technology. These sensor-connected devices capture data about the following and more:

  • Environmental and temperature monitoring

  • Radiation and infrared

  • Air pressure

  • Ventilation

  • Occupancy rates

  • Lighting

Sensors monitor these metrics and device conditions in real time through a microprocessor and trigger specific actions. For example, sensors can detect unoccupied rooms and adjust lighting and temperature settings accordingly to reduce energy costs.

Data Collection, Analysis, and Automation

Sensors accomplish a lot of critical tasks. But what good is tons of raw data for building operators if they can't interpret it and form actionable insights to optimize building performance?

This data requires processing to be useful, bringing us to the software side of smart building ecosystems. The sensors capture data. Then, the data is filtered through a central software application, where it's analyzed and filed to create reports, charts, and automated actions. 

Through advanced algorithms and machine learning, this continuous data harvest identifies patterns and recommends opportunities for optimization.

The automation features allow programs to make real-time decisions, like automatically adjusting the HVAC settings to maintain a comfortable indoor environment while minimizing energy consumption.

Benefits of Smart Building Technology

That's how the smart technology works. But what about actual outcomes? Next, we'll break down the benefits building owners gain from implementing IoT smart sensors.

Enhanced Energy Efficiency and Cost Savings

Building owners face a continuous struggle to lower energy costs. Through implementing IoT devices, intelligent buildings immediately slash energy costs, lower carbon footprints, and support buildings as they seek to meet sustainability initiatives. 

It boils down to two words: continuous monitoring. IoT sensors continuously track energy patterns and habits and automatically optimize systems.

Predictive Maintenance and Reduced Downtime

If someone next to you on the bus claimed to predict the future, you might shift to the next seat. But smart building sensors actually provide genuine insights into your building's future. 

Predictive maintenance saves building owners loads of operational costs. Through tracking equipment via sensors, building managers can detect signs of wear and accurately predict when critical systems require upgrades. From there, managers can schedule maintenance before minor concerns turn into catastrophes. 

Overall, IoT systems reduce downtime and eliminate emergency repairs. With sharper, faster insights, systems run longer and more efficiently. This reveals further benefits. For example, a neglected HVAC system produces poor air conditions, like mold growth and humidity damage. With sensors, managers know when to make repairs that help avoid major system damage or a dangerous environment for occupants.

Applications of Smart Building Technology

Applications of Smart Building Technology - Attune

Building smart sensors into facilities has numerous advantages, no matter the environment. However, smart building technology also delivers specific impacts depending on building type. 

Commercial Buildings and Offices

The average cost of utilities for commercial property is $2.10 per square foot. Anyone overseeing commercial or office buildings knows the pressure of reducing operating and maintenance costs wherever possible. 

Smart building systems technology connects various sensors and applications to optimize and lower the cost of energy and operational maintenance. 

For example, occupancy smart sensors can be integrated with HVAC sensors. Then, when the last person exits the building by scanning their badge, the HVAC system knows to power down or reduce output. Many IoT systems also provide advanced security features, such as heightened access control and immediate security alerts, which reduce the likelihood of an intruder or shoplifting. 

Healthcare Facilities and Hospitals

For healthcare, smart building technology goes beyond energy efficiency and cost savings. 

Smart systems regulate temperature and air quality, creating a healthier and more comfortable setting for patients and staff. Intelligent building solutions also significantly boost infection control by monitoring and regulating air circulation and filtration.

Smart sensors can even locate personal and critical equipment within large complexes, generating a higher quality of patient care. 

Residential Buildings and Homes

Residential automation systems allow homeowners greater control over lighting, climate, and security systems. It's great for cutting costs and creating peace of mind: You're always connected to these systems through your smartphone. 

You can adjust AC temperatures and humidity levels via an online app, even if you're on an extended vacation. From there, you can adjust settings as needed so your property isn't damaged by excess humidity. 

Embrace the Future of Intelligent Building Solutions

Maybe you're on the fence about dropping the cash on an IoT system. It's a lot to consider, after all. You want to spend wisely, which means investing in a comprehensive system with the latest features

Here's where we recommend our smart building solutions. 

Attune offers some of the most accurate, fast, and reliable smart sensors and software solutions. Our indoor air quality and asset condition monitoring sensors deliver precise and action-oriented insights for managers as they seek to cut costs, create safer environments, and improve building conditions. 

Contact us today to schedule a demo and discover how Attune's smart technologies can digitize your building and provide crucial, money-saving insights.


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