Why You Need to Monitor Energy Consumption In Your Building

Why You Need to Monitor Energy Consumption In Your Building

Residential and commercial buildings use 30% of the total global energy consumption

It's a hefty slice of the pie, and for the sake of utility costs and eco-consciousness, it's essential for those responsible to monitor energy consumption carefully.

Ultimately, keeping track of electricity usage requires intentionality and a dedicated energy monitoring system. If done right, it can lead to immense benefits. 

So keep reading as we explain how tracking energy consumption results in massive savings, better conditions, and a more sustainable world. 

The Crucial Importance of Efficient Energy Consumption Monitoring

All buildings — commercial, industrial, and residential — require some electricity usage monitor to accurately understand their consumption habits. It's an essential element of responsible building ownership.

So, what exactly does an energy monitor do?

Energy consumption monitoring tracks power consumption levels, both collectively and across individual appliances. Gathering data identifies patterns and recommends ways to save energy. 

It also provides beneficial insights into factors like peak usage. For example, an energy monitoring system might break down usage hour by hour so you can know what's running and when. From there, it's possible to identify and eliminate waste, overconsumption, or bad habits. 

Without a comprehensive network of energy solutions, measuring electricity can be immensely confusing and laborious. So, the best energy consumption monitor devices are fully integrated to track power usage across all appliances. Then, data funnels into a software platform, where it's processed into reports and actionable insights. 

Advantages of Energy Consumption Monitoring

Measuring electricity is essential for anyone seeking to cut costs, eliminate waste, and gain further insights into the operation of their property. 

Here's more on how they benefit owners who take this practice seriously. 

Cost Savings

Since 1988, the average cost of household energy in the United States increased by 166%. In the past few years alone, energy costs have risen annually around 18%. As a result, rising prices have left buildings and homeowners scrambling to save. 

Reports consistently prove that using an energy consumption monitor device leads to lower consumption and costs. However, measuring electricity costs in real time does more than highlight wasteful appliances. Many systems include automated machine-learning tools, such as setting systems to standby mode when it detects a vacant building. 

Overall, these systems slash around 10% of energy costs. 

Environmental Impact

The environmental toll of high energy usage is massive. In response, governments continue rolling out environmental regulations to ensure businesses commit to reducing carbon footprints, including capping energy usage. 

Energy consumption monitoring helps comply with such regulations and identifies ways to adopt more environmentally friendly infrastructure. For example, property owners can discover where to invest in more energy efficient appliances, like breaker boxes, power strips, electrical panels, and smart plugs. High-efficiency appliances lower energy consumption, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, preserve natural resources, and promote sustainability. 

Alternatively, tracking energy usage and spending clarifies why investing in alternative energies, like solar power, might be worth investing in. 

After calculating average energy costs, property owners can decide if moving off-grid is right. From there, they determine the number of required solar panels to embrace sustainability fully. 

Operational Efficiency

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Estimates show that commercial buildings waste about 30% of their total energy. Operational efficiency tracks how much energy a building needs versus what it uses. 

Energy monitoring solutions identify waste and show where efficiency improvements are needed.

Below are a few ways energy consumption monitoring can enhance operations:

  • Peak Load Management: Tracks peak usage and surge rates to establish when it's most sensible and cost-efficient to run more energy-intensive appliances

  • Early Warning Alerts: Provide alerts for potential maintenance or malfunctions, which reduces downtimes and stoppage before issues escalate

  • Eliminate Phantom Loads: Automatically shuts off electricity consumption that arises from devices that are plugged in but not in use

Tools and Technologies for Energy Consumption Monitoring

Energy measurement comes with a host of benefits. However, unlocking their full potential requires investing in the best technology. 

Each year, energy monitoring technology levels up and provides broader and deeper benefits. It's up to building managers to embrace cutting-edge systems to slash costs and support eco-friendly policies.

Smart Meters and Data Analytics

Smart meters are digital solutions that provide property owners with two main benefits:

  1. More insight into their energy habits and control over usage

  2. More fluent communication with energy providers. 

Here's how it works. As the electric usage calculator tracks consumption, it sends updates and alerts directly to the energy provider. For example, if a power outage occurs, it triggers an automatic stop of the meter. This feature leads to higher electricity bills and eliminates the chance of false positives. 

Also, property owners can access data reports and adjust controls directly from their laptops or smartphones, given these smart meters connect via Wi-Fi. No more waiting to make adjustments until it's too late. With remote access, smart meters allow energy efficiency improvements to happen from anywhere. 

IoT Solutions

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a system of smart devices and appliances that promotes integration and efficiency. 

Connected by smart sensors, these appliances include many automated features, such as predictive analytics, which self-optimize energy usage as they gather data. From there, they analyze consumption patterns and make choices to reduce costs and eliminate operational efficiencies. 

The main benefit of IoT is the ability to secure real-time monitoring and energy quality control. Then, managers can begin reducing costs and promoting sustainability immediately after installation. 

How Attune Can Help

Does your current sensor system deliver the most modern benefits? 

Adopting a wiser energy consumption approach requires researching solutions and selecting one that unleashes a full range of benefits.

Remember, not all sensor systems have the same accuracy, customization, depth of reporting, and ease of use. In short, it pays to go with the best. 

If you want to unlock massive savings, ensure your building fully complies with growing regulations, and operate at peak efficiency, consider investing in Atune's state-of-the-art hardware and software solution. 

With a robust network of Attune's IoT sensors, property owners can track individual appliances to get an incredibly granular view of energy consumption. Then, you can log into our dashboard to access real-time data, reports, metrics, and alerts. 

Start putting your data to work. Schedule a demo today to learn how Attune can revolutionize your energy consumption.


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