What Is an Industrial IoT Platform and How Can Your Use It

The internet of things has vastly improved how we operate and manage building systems. Smart sensors and other technology let you monitor temperature, humidity, indoor air quality, and other factors to keep your employees healthy and productive. Industrial internet of things technology can takes it further, providing a wealth of data you can use to improve operations, An industrial IoT platform makes it easy to analyze and monitor data from multiple sensors on a single platform. 

What is Industrial IoT (IIoT)? 

To understand IIoT, you need to understand the internet of things. IoT refers to a network of sensors, software, and other technology that connects objects and allows them to exchange data. For example, if you’re living in smart home, your appliances and electrical systems likely have embedded sensors that transmit data and use it to adjust systems. You may use it to have your lights turn on automatically when it gets too dark inside. 

IIoT is a sub-category of IoT that involves using sensors and other instruments to collect data from objects in industrial settings and analyze it. IIoT allows you to develop smart buildings and smart factories that help you improve industrial systems to make them more cost-effective and more eco-friendly. 

Features That Differentiate IIoT Platforms

IIoT applies IoT technology to industrial settings, and the connected devices and their respective platforms are more advanced. An IIoT solution including sensors and hardware will often involve connecting more components and you will manage more data. 

IIoT platforms also need to integrate with a broader range of systems and devices. If you’re using IoT technology in your smart appliances, you likely don’t have to worry about how they connect to your HVAC system. 

Property managers using IIoT to monitor factory equipment and other industrial assets need to integrate sensors, smart devices, and other data collection tools to their existing networks so they can monitor equipment in real time. Industrial internet of things platforms also need tighter security because you use them to monitor and manage industrial systems. Without robust security, hackers could get into your IIoT system and disrupt operations. 

Benefits of Implementing an IIoT Platform

Using IOT in manufacturing, construction, and other industrial systems can help you operate more efficiently without sacrificing quality or spending more money. 

Increased Operational Efficiency

IIoT can help you automate parts of your industrial processes to speed them up. Automated machines and robotic technology are faster and more accurate, which makes your team more productive. When you hand over repetitive tasks to the machines, your human team members can concentrate on more complex aspects of manufacturing while suffering fewer repetitive use injuries. 

Since IIoT lets machines communicate with one another, you can use it to coordinate steps in your production process. 

IIoT technology also gives you insight into your energy usage and helps you cut back. Sensors and smart devices can adjust lighting and temperature based on how many people are in a room so you’re not paying to light and heat vacant areas of your industrial building. 

Improving operational efficiency can boost customer satisfaction in multiple ways. You can choose to pass the cost savings on to them by lowering your prices. Or you can improve your ability to consistently meet delivery deadlines. 

Enhanced Predictive Maintenance

When you’re working with multiple complex machines, it can be easy to let preventive maintenance slip through the cracks. Unless your warehouse managers and project managers are regularly reading operating manuals and keeping tabs on preventive maintenance schedules, you may not know you need to fix a machine until it breaks. 

IIoT sensors attached to machinery allow you to constantly monitor your industrial equipment and predict breakdowns before they happen. These platforms can also show you historical data and analytics that allow you to adjust your preventative maintenance schedules. This real-time data lets you fix problems before a full equipment failure while enabling you to save money on unnecessary preventive maintenance. 

Improved Safety and Compliance

The best industrial IoT platforms let you collect a wealth of data. Everywhere you place a sensor or smart device becomes a data collection point. You can gather real-time data on every aspect of your industrial operations to identify common safety risks and trends that contribute to an unsafe working environment. 

IIoT platforms give you actionable insights that help you mitigate risk in your industrial building to keep your team members safe and stay compliant with regulations. IIoT in industry is not limited to sensors. You can also use it to control machinery remotely. With tools such as robotics and drones, your team members can operate dangerous machinery from a safe distance. They can also reduce the risk of accidents and injuries by letting machines retrieve materials from high shelves and carry heavy equipment. 

How to Start Using an Industrial IoT Platform

If you’re ready to use IIoT to build a smart factory, start by evaluating your needs. Map out your industrial operations to identify where you want to collect and analyze data. Next, examine your industrial systems and make sure they are all connected to your computer system. You need your machines to be able to talk to one another and send data to the cloud. Make sure your IT infrastructure is secure and compatible with your chosen IIoT platform. 

Finally, start researching providers to find one that can meet your specific needs within your budget. 

Feel the Power of a Custom IoT Platform

Installing and launching an IIoT platform seems daunting and complex, but it doesn’t have to be. Attune offers customizable solutions that make it easy to collect and analyze data. Our plug-and-play platform is easy to use. It’s also scalable and flexible so it can grow with you as your business evolves. Simply identify the data you want to collect with your sensor and add Attune hardware. 

With our cloud-based solution, you can access data on a computer or mobile device. Take advantage of our analytics and reporting tools for valuable insights that help you improve operations. 

Schedule a demo today and learn more about creating your smart factory. 


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