Tapping Data for Better Living and Cost Savings - HIVE

Housing, Innovation, Vision and Economics

Several experts weigh in on how housing can benefit from real-time data streams. See what our CEO, Serene Almomen has to say.

Experts Spotlight How Real-Time Data Unlocks Housing Improvements

A recent article in HIVE dives into the discourse of how emerging technologies like real-time sensor data and the Internet of Things (IoT) help advance residential settings. The piece gathers insights from pioneers applying cutting-edge innovations to shape future smart homes.  

Among the thought leaders showcased is Attune CEO Dr. Serene Almomen. Her company’s platform utilizes enterprise IoT to optimize complex environments like commercial buildings through cloud-based analytics. Now Dr. Almomen sees major potential to translate those capabilities to housing for dual tenant and operator value.

“Granular, continuous visibility provided by IoT sensors allows detection of developing issues before they become crises – while revealing paths to efficiency,” she noted. For instance, monitoring humidity informs mold prevention tactics or highlights when occupants override ecosystem-aligned automation.  

Dr. Almomen also cited how integrated smart home infrastructure enables convenient personalization like mobile control of lighting scenes. Features that elevate living experiences and move the needle on satisfaction scores.  

Major Cost Savings Within Reach   

However, sellers must still demonstrate a return on investment to prospective residents and property owners alike. Here, experts concurred that quantifying financial upsides using data provides the strongest argument for adoption. This encompasses benchmarking to pinpoint savings from remote equipment diagnostics to participation incentives around consuming resources wisely.

As for residents, Dr. Almomen stated, “Our research shows people are willing to modify behaviors when given tangible evidence of link between actions and outcomes.” Overall the consensus remained clear – data access empowers users while allowing operators to finally move shelters from reactive to predictive spheres.

The potential exists to blaze trails where buildings enhance rather than hinder inhabitant health, productivity, and comfort. It starts with redefining spaces via next-generation technologies primed to place tenants and owners on the same page. Expect Attune to continue spearheading that transformation across both commercial and residential sectors.

Read the full article here. 


The Gift of Data for Better Living and Cost Savings via Builder Online


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