Senseware Recognized for Virginia Energy Efficiency Leadership

The Center for Innovative Technology (CIT) profiled Senseware CEO Serene Almomen and her team's demonstration of outstanding, innovative, and creative approaches to energy efficiency. The Virginia Energy Efficiency Council (VAEEC) showcased Senseware's innovative full-stack IoT solution for smart buildings.

Senseware Wins Praise for Virginia Energy Efficiency Leadership

Cutting-edge IoT solutions provider Senseware garners continued recognition for innovations that boost efficiency and sustainability in the built environment. Most recently, CEO Dr. Serene Almomen and her trailblazing team earned acclaim from the Center for Innovative Technology (CIT) and Virginia Energy Efficiency Council (VAEEC).

The honors showcase Senseware’s positive impact in developing technologies that merge physical infrastructure with digital intelligence. Dr. Almomen explains, “Our niche is very specialized around understanding power, mechanical systems, and lighting systems based on data science.”

That pioneering approach combining cloud analytics with robust data capture unlocks game-changing visibility into resource usage formerly relegated to assumptions. Suddenly, leaders can track everything from facility-wide consumption to specifics like lighting zones in real time.

Empowering Sectors Through Connected Infrastructure

From commercial real estate to education and healthcare settings, operators use Senseware pilot spaces reactively through actionable environmental intelligence. Efforts concentrating on maximizing building performance also position organizations to pursue certifications like LEED, reflecting their commitment to communities.

Andrew Grigsby of CIT notes how Senseware empowers leaders to “make their buildings smarter, healthier and efficient” via turnkey sensor integrations transmitting context to the cloud for continuous optimization. That plug-and-play scalability surmounts barriers organizations face attempting to decipher overwhelming device ecosystems alone.

Driving the Next Generation of Intelligent Efficiency

By simply demystifying IoT to deliver outsized efficiency returns, Senseware drives sustainability forward one structure at a time. 

According to VAEE, solutions fine-tuned around client obstacles usher in “the next generation of intelligent efficiency,” which is essential to corporate responsibility.

Once more, Dr. Almomen affirms savvy data application fuels both ethical and operational imperatives. Her leadership in this domain earned Senseware's recognition as an organization aligning bottom-line benefits with positive community impact.

As the builder of connected, forward-thinking environments, Senseware shows no signs of slowing its momentum in advancing intelligent efficiency across sectors.

Read the full article here.


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