Multifamily Exec: How Real-Time Data Drives Management and Design

Mutlifamily Executive

Our CEO and Co-Founder, Serene Almomen, shares insights with Multifamily Executive on how technology and data are improving the development process for developers, architects, and property managers.

Improving School Safety by Reducing Coronavirus Transmission with IAQ

As education leaders urgently seek expert guidance on facility upgrades to mitigate airborne coronavirus transmission risks, Attune has released an invaluable infographic simplifying how indoor air quality (IAQ) data enables safer in-person learning. Continually measuring effectiveness of enhancements is equally vital. This timely downloadable guide provides clear direction for continually utilizing data to verify risk reduction efforts.

Consolidating The Most Current Insights from Leading Health Bodies

This shareable resource compiles the most up-to-date published insights from renowned public health, scientific, and building engineering organizations studying optimal environments for healthy schools during the pandemic, including the CDC, ASHRAE and Harvard. Reference ranges provided across critical IAQ parameters like CO2, humidity, and particulates guide administrators in setting appropriately elevated ventilation rates and filtration performance targets tailored to their unique buildings, student densities, and risk levels.

Differentiated Guidance Matching Solutions to Diverse Facility Infrastructure

Notably, the infographic offers tactical guidance across infrastructure variants like naturally ventilated schools and sealed mechanical facilities with HVAC systems. Since a uniform,  one-size-fits-all solution cannot serve every existing environment equally, these strategic presentations empower leaders to match feasible upgrades to current site capabilities and constraints. 

Factory specifications coupled with real-time sensor monitoring verifies interventions operate as intended.

Prudent Tradeoff Analysis to Balance Multidimensional Protection Decisions

Additionally, by condensing reopening advice into an accessible scanning format, the guidelines strengthen administrators’ ability to weigh complex tradeoffs as they balance strengthening health protections for students and staff with the practical feasibility of sustained maintenance. For instance, simply opening more windows in regions already facing elevated outdoor particulate pollution may inadvertently increase hazardous infiltration, absent thoughtful operational policies.

School Leaders Access Clear Direction on Employing IAQ Best Practices to Minimize Viral Risks

In accessing this newly centralized go-to resource, decision-makers and influencers gain data-backed direction for holistically reducing facility-borne coronavirus risks by proactively monitoring, assessing, and continuously optimizing indoor air quality protection layers, allowing for resumed in-person learning engineered to be as safe as possible based on the latest science.

Check out the article here.


Why Continuous Monitoring is the Future of Buildings


Cracking the Code Between Smart Technology and IoT to Boost IAQ