Bad air quality in Colorado causes thousands of kids to miss school each year, new initiative in place to combat issue

SOURCE: 11News

Poor air quality in Colorado leads to thousands of students missing school annually, with over 113,000 students chronically absent in a single school year, affecting one in five kids statewide. To address this, the Colorado Department of Health and Environment, in collaboration with the University of Colorado Boulder, is implementing an initiative to enhance indoor air quality in classrooms. Attune, led by CEO and Co-Founder Dr. Serene Almomen, is optimizing HVAC systems and deploying a sensor-based platform to monitor temperature, humidity, CO2, and contaminants. The system, operational 24/7, provides real-time data to staff dashboards, contributing to improved cognitive performance and reducing health risks for students. The initiative covers 369 Colorado Public School buildings, benefiting over 3,000 classrooms in 25% of the state's school districts, funded by the CDC. Key districts involved include Denver PS, Jefferson County R-1, Poudre R-1, St Vrain Valley RE1J, and Adams County 14.

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