The Environmental Impact of Construction & The Growing Room for Improvement

SOURCE: Green Lodging News

In this insightful piece, our CEO, Dr. Serene Almomen, addresses the significant environmental impact of construction within the United States and the potential for improvement. As billions of materials contribute to the construction of buildings, the rise in air, water, and land emissions has become a pressing concern. Dr. Almomen highlights the increasing pollution from construction sites and emphasizes the need for sustainable and energy-efficient practices to enhance outdoor conditions. The article stresses the importance of real-time air quality monitoring and environmentally conscious construction to mitigate the negative effects of outdoor fine particle pollution on indoor environments. Dr. Almomen also discusses the adverse health effects associated with particulate matter and the initiatives taken by the Biden Administration and EPA to strengthen national air quality standards. The article concludes by underlining the crucial role of real-time monitoring in maintaining safe and healthy indoor environments, with a spotlight on Clark Construction as an industry leader adopting these practices.

To read the entire article, please visit Green Lodging News


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