Why You Should Invest Your Leftover ESSER Funds in IAQ Monitoring

Whenever a school has excess funds, it sparks an immediate debate over how to spend them wisely, in ways that benefit everyone. It's tricky because schools face a seemingly infinite amount of pressing needs but are given a finite amount of resources to fix them.

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, US school districts received additional funding through  the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) program. Districts currently have a very limited window to spend any remaining ESSER money. If you're a school administrator looking to invest leftover ESSER funds, below is our case for why you should consider investing them into an indoor air quality (IAQ) detector. 

ESSER Funds and IAQ Monitoring: Why You Should Care

Were you aware that 41% of school districts need to replace their HVAC systems in at least half of their schools? As we'll explain later, the need for a strong HVAC system is about more than just comfort.

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, it became abundantly clear just how poorly equipped schools were to combat airborne illnesses and sustain suitable indoor air quality. As districts planned for students to return to school, grave concerns grew over how schools would filter and monitor their indoor air to ensure it was fit to breathe. There was such widespread concern that it prompted the government to take action.

With the passing of the American Rescue Plan, U.S. officials decided to release $122 billion in federal funds dedicated to the safe reopening of public K-12 schools. Part of this funding included ESSER dollars.

This ESSER funding directed additional resources to improve facilities and promote a healthy learning environment. Many schools took a great first step toward healthier indoor air by using the funding to purchase new HVAC systems and ducts. However, many also neglected the fact that maintaining healthy air requires constant indoor air quality (IAQ) monitoring. These IAQ sensors are crucial for building managers to assess and react to indoor pollution before it has severe effects on students.

The Impact of Indoor Air Quality on Health and Learning

Studies continue to show that poor air quality hinders learning and brain function, especially for students in elementary and secondary schools. 

For example, one study examined the correlation between air quality and cognitive function and concluded that high pollution levels impair students' ability to focus and process information. While poor air quality is worse for those with developing brains, it also has an impact on older students and the instructional staff.

Therefore, it's critical to build schools with an infrastructure that supports healthy air, which can facilitate educational success and improve graduation rates. 

Health Risks Associated With Poor IAQ

Air pollution is an enormous problem, as it's responsible for reducing life expectancy by up to 1.8 years globally and now causes 3.2 million deaths annually. 

While poor IAQ results in direct cognitive impairments, it also comes with additional health risks, including:

● Aggravated asthma or respiratory conditions

● Higher risk of lung and respiratory illness

● Increased risk of heart conditions and high blood pressure

● Enhanced neurological disorders, such as depression, anxiety, and bipolar disorder

How Low IAQ Affects Learning and Attendance

Poor air quality in school buildings often results in reduced blood flow to the brain, placing students at a severe learning disadvantage.

Research continues to support claims that indoor air pollution stunts learning and neurodevelopment, specifically in areas concerning:

● Memorization and comprehensive learning ability

● Attention span and ability to focus

● Ability to communicate verbally 

● Ability to understand numbers and language comprehension

● Motor functions

The earlier children are exposed to poor IAQ, the more harmful the outcome. This results in a learning deficit between children in schools with poor IAQ compared to schools with proper IAQ.

How You Can Use ESSER Funds for Long-Term Benefits

ESSER funding for schools provides educational leaders with the opportunity to improve their indoor air quality.

However, there's more to good indoor air quality than just updating your HVAC system and calling it a day. To maintain clean air, it's essential to also invest in an indoor air tester with assessment tools for monitoring a range of pollutants, including:

● Pollen, mold, and mildew

● Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)

● Particulate matter (PM 10 and PM 2.5)

● Carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxide, and sulfur dioxide

You might be thinking: "Great, another expense. Why not just periodically test the air or check when things start to smell funky?"

Sadly, recognizing the signs of poor air quality requires much more than just the smell test, and installing IAQ monitors is the best way to guarantee that your students' health isn't affected by unhealthy air.

Sustainability, Cost Savings, and Reduced Illness

IAQ monitoring equipment is more than a solution for understanding indoor air quality parameters like temperature and humidity. IAQ monitors don't just measure air quality for pollution; they use the Internet of Things (IoT), algorithms, and machine learning to automate and optimize indoor environments.

An example of this would be an IoT sensor controlling HVAC power to maintain a comfortable indoor temperature, but adjusting to save on energy costs when it detects fewer building occupants. To start, this saves tons of money, but it also helps buildings meet their sustainability goals.

Another amazing IAQ monitor benefit is knowing your exact air quality level, as outlined by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This goes further than issuing an analysis of individual pollutants. Instead, it's an overarching assessment of your indoor air, explaining how urgently you need to address IAQ issues, like adding better filtration or installing air purifiers. This piece of information is critical in reducing the illnesses and long-term health effects that are exacerbated by poor IAQ.

Invest in the Right IAQ Solution

Educational agencies can no longer feign ignorance regarding the state of their indoor air quality. As such, every school should consider investing its ESSER funds into a network of IoT monitors.

However, when shopping for IAQ sensors, you'll come across numerous options, many of which don't offer the full range of functionality needed to maintain healthy air levels.

That's where Attune comes in. Attune has partnered with schools to help build a better future for students of all ages. Our fully customizable, enterprise-grade indoor air quality monitor ensures you have the most accurate data for assessing the state of your indoor air. It delivers critical data that provides rapid, real-time insights on a range of air quality metrics that are pivotal to a healthy learning environment.

Interested in learning more about Attune's IAQ solution? Feel free to sign up to schedule a free demo. Then, if you like what you see, our technical assistance team can have your building up and running in hours!



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