Energy-Efficient Strategies for ASHRAE 90.1 Compliance
What is ASHRAE 90.1?
The ASHRAE standard 90.1 is an energy standard that dictates minimum energy efficiency requirements for commercial buildings. This is the 11th version of ASHRAE's energy standard since its inception in 1975, when it began as a response to the 1970s energy crisis.
Because of its recognized HVAC expertise, many building and model codes adopt its standards. As a result, since its inception, it has informed design and construction standards for buildings, pushing engineers and architects to incorporate energy-effected HVAC systems into their plans. The continuous improvements on its standards also ensure that buildings over time remain relevant to environmental concerns as they arise.
Benefits of ASHRAE 90.1 Compliance
You shouldn't look at ASHRAE std 90.1 as a shackle and a way to impose a penalty. Complying with its prescriptive requirements actually helps you access a number of benefits, including:
Better Indoor Air Quality (IAQ): Complying with ASHRAE 90.1 from 2019 ensures that your building's ventilation systems provide acceptable IAQ, leading to healthier and more comfortable environments for occupants and reducing the risk of respiratory issues, allergies, and other health problems that poor IAQ can cause.
Long-Term Sustainability: The sustainable practices that the standard promotes emphasize the importance of energy efficiency, proper air filtration, and carbon emission maintenance protocols. Compliance with ASHRAE 90.1 makes your organization a contributor to creating a more sustainable environment, aligning with broader ecological goals.
Energy Efficiency and Cost Savings: Following the guidelines that the standard sets helps you optimize ventilation systems, leading to better energy efficiency in your buildings by reducing the energy consumption and operating costs associated with your HVAC systems.
Enhanced Occupant Satisfaction and Productivity: Better IAQ makes occupants more satisfied and productive. Companies and organizations that occupy ASHRAE 90.1-compliant buildings can create a more work or living environment that is more conducive as a result.
Regulatory Compliance: Because of its wide recognition, many districts and building codes include ASHRAE 90.1 compliance. As a result, you can avoid penalties, legal issues, or disruptions by complying with the standard.
Risk Mitigation: Poor IAQ can lead to liability and litigation risks if the occupants face related health issues. Following the standard's guidelines helps you demonstrate that you've done your due diligence to maintain a healthy environment, protecting you from these risks.
Reputation and Market Advantage: If you can achieve ASHRAE 90.1 certification, you highlight your commitment to occupant health and well-being. In turn, this improves your reputation in the industry, helping you attract tenants or customers who value IAQ and giving you a competitive edge.
Key Components of ASHRAE 90.1
The ASHRAE 90.1 focuses on energy consumption in discreet elements of an energy saving project.
Building Envelope
The building envelope is the physical barrier between the interior and exterior environments. This includes
ASHRAE 90.1 lays out specific requirements for the building envelope's insulation levels, thermal properties, and air leakage rates, because these elements reduce the amount of heating or cooling that you need to maintain a comfortable temperature.
HVAC Systems
For commercial buildings, HVAC systems are typically the largest energy consumers and the biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions. ASHRAE 90.1 requires forth minimum energy efficiency requirements for HVAC equipment. It also sets forth guidelines for system design, controls, and maintenance, emphasizing proper sizing, the use of energy-efficient equipment, and advanced control strategies that help optimize system performance.
Some options you can try to meet the standard include:
Variable speed drives
Energy recovery ventilators
High-efficiency chillers
ASHRAE 90.1 also encourages you to use smart thermostats and building automation systems that automatically adjust heating and cooling based on factors like occupancy, to optimize energy savings.
Lighting also contributes massively to your energy use. In this category, you should focus on lighting power densities, looking at maximum wattage per square foot for various building types and spaces. ASHRAE 90.1 also promotes using energy-efficient lighting technologies, like LED fixtures, and recommends you to incorporate natural daylight in your design strategies.
Service Water Heating
Service water heating focuses on energy that the building uses to heat water for purposes besides space heating. This includes restrooms, showers, and kitchens. The standard discusses efficiency requirements for boilers, distribution systems, and water heaters, along with encouraging heat recovery systems and solar water heating if possible.
The standard includes provisions for electrical power that focus on efficient electric motors, transformers, and power distribution systems. You should use high-efficiency motors and variable frequency drives, which adjust motor speed to match load requirements so you don't waste energy when it isn't necessary.
Steps to Achieve ASHRAE 90.1 Compliance
If you're not compliant with ASHRAE 90.1, it may seem challenging to reach compliance. Follow this development proceess to simplify the task.
Conduct an Energy Audit
Survey and analyze your building's energy flows to understand how much it uses and identify areas where it is inefficient. This helps you understand where you need to implement changes first.
Develop an Energy Management Plan
Once you have an idea of your current energy usage and areas for improvement, you can start considering energy-saving solutions you will need to take to upgrade your facilities or bring them to the level necessary. Here, you will outline the budget you need to implement your improvements, as well as determine internal and external roles and responsibilities for executing the plan.
Also think about what metrics you'll track to make sure you're making improvements and the methods and frequency you'll use to track them.
Implement Energy Conservation Measures (ECMs)
Now, you can start putting in place the ECMs you set forward in your management plan. Follow your plan and track your implementation progress against what you'd planned initially, so you can understand if you need more time.
Monitor and Verify Performance
Here, you will be utilizing measurement and verification that you'd mentioned in your plan to make sure you're making progress towards your goals. It's also a good idea to conduct formal reviews for verification. You can also identify new or previously undiscovered leaks here, which may require you to change your plan to address them.
Partner with Attune to Achieve Energy Efficiency
Achieving ASHRAE 90.1 compliance takes careful planning and dedicated work, which you may not be able to commit to with all your other business functions. Attune can help you achieve energy efficiency, providing real-time IAQ monitoring and helping implement data-driven IAQ solutions. Schedule a demo to learn how we can help you achieve your goals.